
Hi, I’m Jason. I created Weekend Off-Road Adventures to share my experiences and research on everything Off-Road.

125cc Chinese 4-wheeler
125cc Chinese 4-wheeler

I grew up riding dirt bikes and 4-wheelers and then moved on to 4×4 trucks when I got old enough to drive. Then life got in the way, I went off to college, got married and now I have 2 great kids of my own and I want them to have all the fun I did growing up.

Right now my son has a 125cc 4-wheeler that he tears up the yard with 🙂

This site is a combination of my experience, research and input from a few of my friends that love getting out and having fun off the pavement.

If your interest of the outdoors extends to camping you might want to check out my other site Weekend RV Adventures.

How I do product reviews

In a perfect world I would purchase every item I review and recommend.  Unfortunately, my budget (and my wife) don’t allow that.  Occasionally I will accept a product from the manufacturer for review.  I make it clear to them that my opinion of that product, good or bad will be shared with you my audience.

What about products I don’t own

When I don’t actually own a product I use several methods to create my reviews.  First, if I can borrow, demo, or try something out in a store or show I will do that.  When I can’t actually get my hands on the product I will research others experiences through online reviews.  I also review the manufacturers sales literature and product manuals.  Finally, I have contacted the product manufacturers directly to get answers to questions and details I cannot find anywhere else.

How can you help support Weekend Off-Road Adventures?

This website is funded by commissions I receive from online retailers through affiliate programs.  When you follow a link to a product and make a purchase I receive a small commission for that sale.  This doesn’t cost you any more money, in fact, you probably support other websites and YouTube channels with many of your purchases.

I am currently a member of the Amazon Affiliate program as well as the eBay Partner Network.